(These flyers are actually for Bite 3 launch - and the one with the woman model is different from the one finally used.)
Or should I say queered?
Not weird at all.
I'm being queered and (q)weird about it...
I was fortunate enough to be involved in the operation of a DIY grass rootsy queer event that happened just last night here in Melbourne (Brunswick to be precise) after much stress, planning and preparation.
The 'Bite' edition 2 launch party was a screaming success!
Bite is an occasional newspaper that can be contributed to by anyone and discusses issues around sexualities - particularly queer ones (and it's all queer) - and other topics such as jelly wrestling and the black shirt movement.
The current edition's theme is 'the new black' and so it focuses on a few of the intersections of ethnicity and sexuality.
It's a bit of a struggle to stay positive and hopefully the next edition will be more fun, but still it's a great publication.
Anyway, the party was great and it was a privilege to be able to assist the organisers - in my small way - with the event that included great music, a thrilling display of acrobatic ability, cage dancing (I partook of this late in the evening with some dirty dancing with my boyfriend - not that dirty...) and heaps and heaps of fun.
It's important to make spaces where anyone can feel that they will not be oppressed or fucked around with and everybody that attended the event seemed to have a really good.
400 people came too, which is great cos this event was set up by a bunch of nobody's with very little economic capital but heaps of social capital and organisational ability, so they set up a place that defies the usual conceptions of social life - insofar as profit motive was secondary and social cohesion/fellowship foremost.
Fuckin' ace!