Monday, January 22, 2007

queer doings

In a strange fit of passion, my boyfriend started doodling over and around my tattoo and these pictures show the results.
Seriously, I am going to recommence blogging about more interesting things
really soon. I promise. Things that don't necessarily refer to my mundane existence. Not directly.
Such as the publication in the Herald Scum (hard copy 19/01/07) of the faces of people wanted for questioning about last November's Anti-G20 protests. In particular, the HS has pictures of twenty-eight people, each with the caption, 'Person of Interest', however the heading of the article is, 'Do you recognise them?'.
It's appalling that we live in a society in which people who exercised their right to protest are wholesale condemned and then some individually later displayed in the most popular rag in the state in the expectation that readers will report identifying information to the Herald Scum or to Crime Stoppers.
This news article comes very close to casting these people as villians, particularly given the extent to which the Herald Scum fatuously decried the protests late last year and is an attack on these peoples' right to privacy and the presumption of innocence.
But then it's not surprising that this commercial rag would do its best to vilify those who stand in opposition to it, which itself is something that goes against what were once guiding principles of mainstream journalism: open, honest, rigorous, dispassionate and democratic reporting of events.
Just as well I'm not in the journalism business...

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Saturday, January 20, 2007

a.w. & comix

I went to a not very inspiring exhibition at the State Library about Australian comics.
Although Australia has a surprisingly substantial history of comics, the standard isn't that high. In my humble...
But that's not why I'm posting this entry.
What was interesting about the exhibition was this front cover for a comic whose name I unfortunately forget as shown on the left here.
The style of the artwork and the look of the guy running away from the truck is just a bit similar to that of a guy I know who does comics of his own. You can click to his blog from the link on the top right of this page. Not only does his work look like this but he looks like and draws himself like that character. A bit.
It's not just my imagination. It's not!


Thursday, January 18, 2007

pay up now or the kid gets it

Does anyone else find this advertisement more than a little disturbing?
What thoughts and feelings is this image supposed to inspire?

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Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Went to the Eyes, Lies and Illusions exhibition at ACMI recently.
It's an exhibition that showcases contraptio
ns from the renaissance through to today that (there's no other word for it) bedazzle the viewers' visual perceptions into seeing things appear in strange ways.
It's actually quite hard to describe or explain in general. But to give you an idea about what the exhibition contained, the picture here is an example of anamorphosis. Specifically, it's called Clover Anamorphosis with Conical Mirror. The conically shaped mirror in the middle sort of bends the line and colour field around it so that it appears as a clover leaf.
Pretty clever.
Reminds me of some Coil cover art.
The exhibition is well worth checking out. It contains dancing stroboscopic zombies.
now playing: adrian klumpes - unrest

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Monday, January 15, 2007

monkey drummer

Why haven't I posted this sooner?
Here's a brilliant Chris Cunningham directed clip for an excerpt from an Aphex Twin track called
Mt Saint Michel + St Michael's Mount.

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Tuesday, January 02, 2007

best. new years. ever.

...well, for now anyway.
I went on holiday with my boyfriend to Sydney over the Christmas / New Years period where we had a massively great time catching up with good friends, being the kind of turistas I once heaped all of my contempt upon.
It was a great trip and was made even greater by the calibre of our friends who variously put us up, put up with us and transported us around the city (most signicantly, thanks Peter).
Only one of the many highlights but most certainly the funniest event of the trip was our New Years celebration, which was held at a squat in Balmain, right on the harbour. As you can see from the pictures, we had the best view in all of Sydney and were able to enjoy all of the fireworks as they lit up the sky at 12.
The venue itself was great and the tenants were most hospitable hosts and hostesses.
Unfortunately, knowledge of the event had spread like wildfire thanks to myspace, with word getting back to the tenants that somone had been advocating guests trash the joint, so they had to be explicit about ensuring guests were aware of house rules and respect everyone's rights.
There were a couple of problems with the night, too. The toilets were broken and had to be flushed with buckets of water so, predictably, many trashed partygoers didn't comply. Sewerage started seeping along the ground and down the hill beneath the venue. It smelt. The dj's for the most part were nothing if not utterly uncaptivating. And finally, the tenants were nowhere to be seen late in the morning when their presence would have been handy.
But that's all okay because the party was great.
And another good thing about the party was that we attended it with some good mates who wanted to chemically enhance their experience with us. So we all ran around having little mini-(mis)adventures and getting along like houses on fire, accordingly.
There was a freaky moment in the morning with an upset man who was intimidating a 16 year old party goer. I intervened, the youth worker/negotiator in me taking over, which helped to defuse what could have been a nasty situation. I actually handled it pretty well I think. Not least of all because at 7am, having partied hardy all night, I was pretty stonkered.
Anyway, it was a wonderful night and the best New Years I've had to date.
And now it's back to work... Ho hum.
(If this entry is all but incomprehensible, that's because I just got back from Sydney and am dog-tired.)

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